Concrete Examples

Make it real to make it memorable.

What is it?

To use Concrete Examples you need an actual example of the idea of concept being used. So if the concept being learned is bullying you would give an example of a time that someone was bullied. In fact the more examples the better you remember so don’t stop at one.

Why is it Effective?

Understanding: Illustrating a concept in context in a real example can help make the concept easier to understand.

Retrieval: when you connect a new idea to existing ideas it benefits from the ease with which you already remember those existing ideas. Once linked the new idea is now easier to remember as well because it shares paths with existing memories.

How to Use

When to Use

While concrete examples can be used for almost anything, they can be most effective when learning about abstract concepts or things that involve a process with a number of steps.

Tips & Tricks

Bring in classmates and friends. Share your concrete examples with them and have them share with you. This both helps to increase the number of examples and explaining to other people will help you remember as well.

Focus on the link between the idea being learned and the example. This is more important than the overall quality of the example.

Use examples from your own life. Examples you already have a connection to are the best.



[video 1:45] Study Strategies: Concrete Examples
